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Showing posts from September, 2010


Well not the news that I was expecting to share with you, nor the day I was expecting to share any relationship news with you.   Well seeing as it's 12:11 pm as I am writing this I was apparently dumped yesterday, just before I started work.  This all came as a surprise as to the best of my knowledge things with our relationship where going well,

Haveing My Boyfriend To Dinner This Sunday

Well it turns out that while I was trying to figure out how to ease Dad into the idea and test to waters mom decided to have a direct conversation with him.  Something I had not asked her to do, but being mom not something I'm shocked that she did seeing as part of her desire is to have my BF welcome at the house.  The end result was that dad is willing to have dinner and meet him, "because that's what it's going to take"  and that this Sunday is the day. 

Warming Dad Up To The Idea Of Me Dating = Fail

Well a couple of my friends (from an auto form I'm part of) suggested that amongst talking to my boyfriend and letting him know that it will take time before I can introduce Dad to him and that doing so my likely bring with it negative reactions from Dad.  The other step of their advice is to try to feel the waters by letting him know that they is some one special in my life that would like to meet him sooner then latter.  Advice that I think is good advice, although it is advice that at least so far has not worked well.  I was thinking about that advice yesterday when I was upstairs watching TV/ talking with Mom and Dad,

Introducing Dad, Is It Possible

So Adam (my boyfriend) has been talking about meeting my family, especially my dad and brother after he briefly got to meet my mom (who really wants to get to spend more time with him and to get to know him better) and spending some time with my best friend.  I can totally understand his wanting to meet my dad, as for one thing I live with my family, and for the fact that most people want to meet the parents of their partner as it is one of the things that signifies the seriousness of a relationship.  I would love to introduce him to my Dad as much as he would like to meet him, but I don't feel that it is that easy and I'm not sure how or if that will be possible and unfortunately not only dose that make me unhappy but it also adds a level of complication to the relationship that I don't feel should have to be there.  I really wish that I felt introducing Dad to Adam would be as easy as it should be, and as I feel Adam would like it to be, however I think that it is som...

Time to get cought back up!

So it has been a while since I last posted, and now that I have managed to find some time to carve out to update you all in what is becoming a very nicely busy social schedule I thought that I would do so.  So things have been going very nicely for me, especially given the events that brought about my last post.  One of the best things that has happened is that I started to see some one in the time in between post and that we are official Boyfriends!! Something that makes my very happy, and that I just can't resist thinking about.