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Showing posts from May 24, 2015

The Moral Corruption Of The Religious Right

The hypocrisy never seems to stop with those that are on the religious right, with the latest example of Josh Dugger having to step down from his position at the hate group Family Research Council after it came out that he has molested several young girls, including some of his sisters.  All of which the Dugger family worked to cover up.  Yet they campaigned against gay marriage and trans rights Michelle Dugger going so far as to say trans people are a threat to children, She even had a crew member fired from the show back in 2008 for being gay "because he was a threat to her kids" souly because of his sexuality.  As if that is not bad enough Mick Huckabee has said that it is an attempt by the media to bring the family down and that the media and those that want them removed from TV (and punished for) over what they have done and been a party to are just wrong and mean spirited,  It is utterly mind blowing the hypocrisy