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Showing posts from November 16, 2010

House Hunt is under way!

I know it have been a while since my last post, but as one can probably predict I have been busy between work, the upcoming holidays and the fact that I am now actively hunting for houses.  Well yesterday I got to see two ones that I had been interested in from the outside and from their listings, which allowed one of them to be quite quickly after a good look threw be dropped right off the the contenders list.  While I expanded my search area and exclude one previously included area, with some new knowledge including commute time. So Thursday after I get off work, I am again meeting with my realtor, and should be seeing some other listings that I am interested in, and possibly finding some more to added to the list of possibilities.  So for the moment I am still in the process of finding the right property, at the right price in the the right area.  But I am still quite optimistic and excited to see more of what is out there.  I hope to find some more ti...