This is the answer that we need to give clearly and loudly to the right wing christian fundamentalist at Focus On The Family! Now in the face of the tragic wave of suicides during September of young teens gay/suspected to be gay teens being bullied to death, it can not be clear that option to Anti Bulling programs and legislation for this nations schools is the same as pulling the trigger and killing our own children, the very people who are supposed to be the future of our country! They are the ones accusing others of politicising this issue and making it a gay issue, when it is them that are politicising the issue and painting it as a "gay" issue instead of what it really is, a human issue and issue of life in death of doing what is necessary to help and save the lives of the children of this country. How many more children must die, must kill them selves because of the bulling that they are being put thr...
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