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Showing posts from June, 2010

The U.S. Supreme Court, Signatures Can Be Released!

It was just about unanimous with all the justices except for Justice Clarance Thomas objecting to the courts decision to uphold Washington's public disclosure laws, and ruling that the signatures on the petitions for Ref 71 can be released.  They how ever are not being released at the moment because Protect Marriage Washington, the group that got R71 on the ballot back in 09 has a case to be heard in a lower court to get the release of the names prevented.  This is allowed as the case they brought before the supreme court was a challenge to conditionality of the States disclosure law that required disclosure of the names when requested, unless a court order prevented it. The court found, with Justice John Roberts Jr. writing the ruling, that Washington's disclosure law, which only effects disclosing names of those that singed, dose not violate the first amendment.  They of course left open as currently is the possibility for groups to seek action to prevent and sto...

Going From Vampire To Day Light Dweller!!

I have some great news to share!  For those of you that have been fallowing my blog you will know that for about the last half a year I have been stuck working grave yard shifts, well my days off working in the darkness are coming to an end! As of yesterday it was made totally official that I was official that I got an open closing position so I will now be going back to working the same closing shifts that I had been working before I moved onto grave yards.  I am very happy about this as I have been wanting it since shortly after I got switched over onto graveyards so now that it has finally happened I'm very happy.  It's great because I will finally be getting back to a shift where I can sleep when my body wants to sleep!!  That now I will actually be awake during the day especially and most critically on my day off, which for me is a big step into getting back into being back into out and about in the world when I am not working so allowing me to do things I enj...

What's Wrong, And How Do I Make It Stop

I really am having trouble handling anything lately and it's not getting any better, I really am getting to the point that I want to just give up on every thing that I'm doing and supposed to be doing to try to help me live the normal balanced life that I really do want to get back/or too!  It really is getting to the point that doing what needs to be done simply to take care of my self normally let alone the things that are now required as part of the medical process to try to help get me to the life that I want are getting to be to hard to deal with. 

Support For Same Sex Marriage Grows In Washington

Amongst the gloom there is some bright news, here in Washington state support for Same Sex Marriage has grown by 5% in the last year since R71 was passed expanding Washington's  "Domestic Partnership" laws to extend all the state rights responsibilities and protections of marriage just with out the name, those earning it the nick name the everything but marriage law.

Gay Friendly Add Must Mean Al Qaeda Add On The Way!!

No surprise Bill O'Reilly, is once more sending his no spin zone spinning out of control, as he has taken up issue with a McDonald's add from France, that as part of their "come as you are series of adds" features a subtle gay "them" to it. as the add starts out with the teen sons sitting waiting for his father to get the food from the counter when his cell rings and he talks to one of his classmates as a couple would about how he looks good in the class pic and that he misses them. its not till the end you find out that the class is all boys. and then the tag line "come as you are".