What is pride? I could give a history lesson on how pride first started along with the modern gay rights movement with the stone wall riots, but I think by now that is something that if not all most know, and if they don't they can easily find out or find some one that dose. Instead I want to try to answer the question of what is pride what dose it mean now and what dose it stand for now. I want to answer this because like every other thing in life as time has passed things have changed somethings for the better some possibly not all depending on ones view, but they have not stayed statically the same, as that is all but imposable in life.
This social side is the side that seems to be blossoming into and important co-driver of what pride is about today, it is taking the need to have an venue where one not only can be proud of the fact that they are gay and do so openly, but that also recognizes that there is more to them then just that, and allows them to connect with others who are like them and who support them that share in the others things in their life that also make them who they are. It is the churches, the different social groups and activities, and organizations that have rightfully grown in importance. Another aspect that has rightfully grown in importance has been celebrating the mile stones and progress that has been made, as that deserves to be celebrated. Celebration is not wrong, not only is it a way of showing that we are a part of "normal" society, that we come from every walk of life, and every background but that we have also accomplished much even though we still have a long road ahead of us. It has also grown not only from a form of defiance and showing that we are there but into a way to show how much a part of every day society we are and for a way for much of that society to show that they too value us as a part of it. This can come in the form of city, police, fire, and even corporate participation in pride, it is a way to show that as much as we value our selves we are valued too.
Some may take it as just an excuse to party, get plastered and hook up, but that is not the majority, and it is something that can be said about any sort of celebration, and any group of people. How ever for many more it is a time when they not only can be part of a majority, a majority that is like them and a majority that supports them, but where they can also be them selves with out having to leave parts out of having to have their "guard up" that being so is wrong. It is something that can be and is quite powerful and that their really is not any other true substitute for. It is also a time to show the world around that look at how many of use there are, a day where we don't blind into the sea of people around us, where we can stand out and say we are here and that you run into and interact with more of us then you think. This to is a message that is just as important as any political goal.
I think that importantly pride is about more then just politics and political goals, while they are an important part of pride as they are an important part of daily life, it is also just as importantly about a since of community a since of belonging and a since that you are fine just as you are and there are others out there just like you, and that it is OK to celebrate and be proud of who you are as a person.
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