So I am just going to quickly say that I am still around, and sorry about the long hideous, things have been hectic. I have again been into see the doctor have meds adjusted and another one added to hopefully help deal with the extreme amount of instability that I have still been experiencing lately. I should hopefully be able to start carving out some good quality time to blog again. Once again thanks for fallowing my blog. :-)
As some of you may or may not know May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and as such I thought I would write a blog post to try and help do my part to help raise awareness, and end the stigma of mental illness. I also hope to show provide some hope in the process. As many of you already know I have a mental illness, and that is Bipolar Disorder, which I was diagnosed with only relatively recently, about a year ago, although I have had it for a nice chunk of my life. It is something that while I am still just in the beginning stages of starting to understand and control, I don't feel that it is something that I should have to be ashamed of or have to worry about others finding out about it. unfortunately though there is quite a large amount of stigma that surrounds mental illness especially "serious mental illness", which they are for those that suffer from them (and those close to them as well) unfortunately though it also makes it sound scarier t...
Good to hear you are back on course! Sorry I've not been around, things have been rocky for me also.